Malaysia currently does not have comprehensive laws on minimum wages. Wages are left to be determined by market forces. So we have plenty workers all over the country being employed for about average RM400-500 per month. This is very much below the generally-agreed basic cost of living of RM800 per month per individual in this country (and this is 2007 benchmark).
So in a low-wage economy, employers or business owners call the shots. With growing inflation, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Selfishness and greed rears its ugly head in a liberal wage market.
And corruption increases as the rich have greater leverage over the desperately poor!
And some of the desperately poor turn to crime, and certain sectors like the security industry get richer cashing in on situation.
And neighbours hardly come out and play and speak to one another ... and it goes on and one an on in all kinds of directions! ...*sigh*
Yup. Viscious domino effect.
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