Friday, January 21, 2011

Surrender & Commitment

A Christian leader from Romania was asked, "Why is it that the church in the Western world has lost its power with God and man?"

He said, "The church has substituted commitment for surrender."

The committed life centres on doing; the surrendered life centres on our being.

The committed life emphasizes what we can do for Christ; the surrendered life realizes that we can do nothing apart from Christ.

The committed life exalts competence; the surrendered life exalts character.

*Excerpt from Edmund Chan's Growing Deep In God*

Nothing wrong in commitment per se. Commitment is good. Commitment is needed. It's a practical outworking of surrender. But I believe surrender needs to happen first before the commitment can be of any real value. Otherwise my commitment will be misplaced.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Twenty Ten

2010 was filled with quite a few significant moments...

From a fear experience in an underwater sandstorm, to the passing of my dear music teacher, Agnes Yong.

From seeing Guatz learning to swim, to talking to people facing extreme persecution & risk of death because of faith in Jesus Christ.

From experiencing my first time speaking at a church youth camp, to playing the piano at a choral production in personal memory of Aunty Agnes.

From sitting & struggling through issues with people, to seeing them enlightened by God's truths & finding meaning in Christ.

All moments tailor-made by The Grand Designer - no accidents, all very purposeful.

On a lighter note, here's my 2010 summarised in facebook statuses:

2011 started with me getting 11 warts on my left foot lasered, burnt, scrapped off and removed. Yup, 11 warts, 2011, go figure :) So I'm just bumming at home for a week, resting it out, confined to the house because limping is all I can do for now. And Nurse Guatz is doing a great job! :D With the kind of weather we're getting these days, it's great to just be in bed :) Heehee.

A blessed new year to you all!