Hari Raya's just around the corner. I sent out an email to all my Muslim colleagues to wish them and I did that by composing a simple pantun for them. Boy, it sure started a whole barrage of pantun emails. After I shot out mine, one-by-one my colleagues just started replying in pantuns, and it went on and on for quite a while :-)
Here's what I sent out to them in the first instance:
Kalau berpeluang pergi ke Kelantan,
Singgahlah sebentar di Kubang Kerian,
Sepatah dua ingin Colin ucapkan,
Sepantun dua ku sampaikan untuk kalian.
Ke sana ke sini merentasi benua,
Kalau sudi bercutilah di Tasik Bera,
SELAMAT HARI RAYA diucapkan kepada semua,
Semoga anda diberkati sejahtera.
I wish I could post up my colleagues' subsequent pantuns as well, but there are too many of them. From Raya greetings, we proceeded to pantun about Raya cookies, Malaysia's first astronaut, even about nationalism :P
Speaking of which, it's great that we have our first Malaysian in space! Let's pray that Dr SMS will have a good outing and a safe trip. I hope this will be the beginning of a lot of good for this country, instead of just another thing we do to get attention or respect. Space exploration holds potentially unknown benefits for our nation and mankind as a whole if followed-up and worked on properly. For instance, from previous space explorations by NASA in the US, we've had space technology transferred to benefits such as insulating materials, more advanced firefighter suits, shock-absorbing sports shoes, scratch-resistant coatings on eyeglasses & watches, implantable heart pump, etc....the list goes on.
To all my Muslim friends, Selamat Hari Raya, and happy holidays to all! I'm off to Tioman in the meantime... :-)
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