For somewhere deeper, there must be some meaning to this life, some way to make a difference, give a reason for this strife ~Kit McCallum~
Monday, May 17, 2010
Caste Violence
The article also continued to talk about overhauls that are trying to be done to laws and even education to address the issue of caste violence.
Theodore Roosevelt once said that "a man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad." I believe we are all aware that laws, education and the like can only do so much. It only addresses the symptoms, not the cause. What we really need is a change of heart.
I'm not saying that if we all change our hearts, the world will immediately be a better place. With such deep-rooted problems, it will be a process of healing. But only with a change of heart can we BEGIN to address such problems at its roots.
Where else can we bring about such a change other than in Jesus Christ and His gospel, where He explains the need to be "born again"? This is God's desire for the people of India. This is God's desire for all mankind.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Anilao, Philippines
True enough, Anilao IS a great place to dive, as i discovered for myself.
Located on Luzon island, Anilao is about 2-3 hours drive south of Manila, near Batangas. We stayed at Balai Resort, a simple but quiet & cozy place where the hospitality was as warm as the tropical weather. Food was good too! Especially the desserts, which were all very sweet & just sends you to the gastronomical heavenlies. The coconut ice-cream, oh man, so good with it's real coconut flesh bits....ahhhhhhh.....
Yes, the resort was simple & nice:
Of course, no beach pad is complete without the customary hammock:
I like how the dive centre is set up: open air space with plenty of room to move around, large bamboo patio to do whatever you wanna do (suit-up, gear-up, dry your gear or just sit around & chill), simple racks made of bamboo & wood to dry stuff, bits of shade provided by the trees was very close-to-nature.
And then we hit the water (which ranged between 27-28 degrees celcius, so bring something warm especially if you're diving for longer periods at a time), where we discover the awesome beauty of the underwater world that is Anilao.
Anilao's diving is pretty diverse, ranging from muck diving (at sites like Toro's Point), wall diving (Kerby's Rock) to sites with lush colourful coral forests & fish life that just blew me away.
Say hello to hairy frogfish! (photo by Edvin Eng):My personal favourite was a site called Sombrero. The place is just brimming with life! The whole place was blanketed by corals of all variety & colour. From the moment i descended into this site, it was just one "wow wow wowww" after another. Because the corals are so healthy, correspondingly the fish population there was thriving and there were heaps of them everywhere!
Wide-angle photographers would have a field day at Sombrero (photo by Edvin Eng):

If you're asking "Should i go dive in Anilao?" My answer is a resounding YES YES YES! Do dive responsibly in order to maintain the "ohhlala" of this place. That means no disturbing the marine life, making sure trash goes into the trash, and using electricity & water only when necessary (water at the resort is tapped from spring water source nearby), among others.
For non-divers, it's also a great place to chill & refresh. There are a few comfortable places around the resort where one can plant themselves comfortable, read a book, sleep, dream, get inspired, paint, whatever. The beach is not a beach of sand, but a beach of stones, so no beach running or sports. The sea is great for swimming, just be extra careful when there are currents. Snorkelling can also be done at some sites.
And no dive trip is complete without the never-cease-to-amaze-me sunsets :)