Thursday, January 06, 2011

Twenty Ten

2010 was filled with quite a few significant moments...

From a fear experience in an underwater sandstorm, to the passing of my dear music teacher, Agnes Yong.

From seeing Guatz learning to swim, to talking to people facing extreme persecution & risk of death because of faith in Jesus Christ.

From experiencing my first time speaking at a church youth camp, to playing the piano at a choral production in personal memory of Aunty Agnes.

From sitting & struggling through issues with people, to seeing them enlightened by God's truths & finding meaning in Christ.

All moments tailor-made by The Grand Designer - no accidents, all very purposeful.

On a lighter note, here's my 2010 summarised in facebook statuses:

2011 started with me getting 11 warts on my left foot lasered, burnt, scrapped off and removed. Yup, 11 warts, 2011, go figure :) So I'm just bumming at home for a week, resting it out, confined to the house because limping is all I can do for now. And Nurse Guatz is doing a great job! :D With the kind of weather we're getting these days, it's great to just be in bed :) Heehee.

A blessed new year to you all!

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