Friday, October 05, 2007

It's Been A While...

I've left this place dormant for a very long view of ongoing reconciling efforts, this is where i'll be blogging from now on.

Blog...weblog...a log on the web to log my ramblings on everything under the sun and stars...which hopefully will be beneficial in some way to readers...

So what's been happening lately? I've shaved my head :) Some of the responses i've been getting:

1. " going to Myanmar to support the monks ah?"
2. "I hope this has nothing to do with a change of faith."
3. " this the style nowadays ah?"
4. "Is everything ok? Are you ok??"
5. "Wahhh....ya lah, nowadays very hot la."
6. "Yerrrrrr....not nice la."
7. "You have a nice head shape."
8. "This is what I call a close shave!"
9. *blank...wide-mouthed*

And things have been overwhelming...crime rate in Malaysia, questionable judiciary, major discrepencies in handling of public funds which have been going on for so long and brought up time and time again but nothing's done about it, progressing industry/technology-wise but digressing in humanity & morality, brutality against the innocent, poverty & the seemingly insatiable needs everywhere...AC Milan doing badly in the league... :P

Nonetheless, if I may borrow a hymn's verse, "This is my Father's world, o help me never forget, that though the wrong seems oft wrong, God is the ruler yet..." Just offer my 5 loaves & 2 fish worth and let God do His thing. Live upright & godly. And battles need to be fought on our knees.

And I'm diving Tioman next weekend...can hardly wait :)


Therealpepperboy said...

Hahaha, you should post some pics up of your balde head.
Ah. That's one of my fav. hymns. God is the ruler yet.

Why flying penyu?
Why do you get to go diving and I don't? :'(

Paul Long said...

picture please :-)

Samantha said...

you shaved your head!!! yerRrrrr!!!

N.J.A.P.F. said...

Diving in Tioman! Nice! Must write about it when you get back! ;)