Monday, December 27, 2010

Sepuluh Hari

About ten days later...


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010


In October last year, we snipped off a small branch of Hydrangea from my grandma's plant in Bentong. I admit, i had doubts if it could grow and flower in the heat of Klang Valley. But no harm trying.

So we popped the little fella into a pot....and it grew and grew....nice and tall, with big green leaves....and in August this year, it bloomed!

Pink flowers...a first bunch bloomed, then a second bunch. Very nice!

One thing i've noticed is that the flowers last long, and they age very well: the pink flowers turned into a nice shade of old red with a touch of green.

When i thought the best was done, just last week the same tree decides to bloom again....but this time, blue flowers! (but in the photos below, they look somewhat purple-ish)


Anyway, i'm kinda on a roll with the hydrangeas...helps a lot that these fellas grow pretty fast when the weather is cool. On hot days, well, even though they look like they're falling apart, they actually pull through pretty well. I've transplanted twice to other is growing nice and tall, again with big green leaves and all....another one, which i just recently separated from the main dude, is growing nice and easy too.

So nice and easy that the stray cat came and dug up a bit of the soil and poo-ed there in the pot! I figured, why waste good fertilizer, right? So i spread the nutrient-rich feline product under the soil...and i'm sure it'll help this little guy grow nice and tall too! :)

Friday, December 03, 2010

Certified Guitar Player

Some time back, I blogged about how when I was younger, I wanted to play guitar like Tommy Emmanuel.

And the man himself is here, playing live in KL tonight...and yours truly will be there. Can't wait! One of my friends going with me asked if I'm gonna bring my guitar for him to autograph. I told him no, I'm going there to autograph TE's guitar....wahahaha....righttttt.

I had a very meaningful time at the Haggai seminar. One word to describe my experience there: REFRESHED. Had a great time reviewing, relearning things from a different perspective and approaching them from a different angle. New things learnt too! A timely "refueling" that was much needed. God knows best. His timing, spot on. Still sorting things out in my mind, praying through and trying to make more sense of what transpired over the past week in Haggai...might blog about it, might not, see la, how my lazy-o-meter is :)

For now, I've got Guitar Boogie/Stevie's Blues playing in my head....